◾️ This 'Australia Day' (Sat 26th Jan), 10% of ALL Sales will go to the 'Literacy For Life' Foundation. ◾️
A good personal friend of mine, 'Bron' has spent the last 365 days working with the Aboriginal community in Walgett (rural NSW), teaching Aboriginal adults how to read & write with 'Literacy For Life' - an Aboriginal-run charity training Aboriginal people to bring literacy to their communities. A trained teacher, with a passion for social justice, Bron knows that education is key to betterment, and she has been practicing what she preaches, sacrificing much of her own personal life in the process.
I have been inspired by the stories told from the outback of people literally changing their lives within the course of 1 year, which will in turn strengthen and unite the wider community in years to come. With her class just recently graduating, I thought it no better time than to give back, to a truly worthy cause.
Australia Day for many is a stark reminder of a tragic past... For us here at The Mountain Garage, we'd like to help to contribute to a brighter future for all Aussies:
◾️◾️◾️ This SATURDAY 26th Jan (Australia Day): 10% of your TOTAL order value will be donated to Literacy For Life. Just mention this post in-store, or use code: L4L2019 online (and we will email you the deposit receipt).
Thanks for listening, and here's to a changing Australia, for the better, for all.
James (Owner).
To learn more about the L4L Foundation, click here: https://www.lflf.org.au